Monday, November 28, 2016

Tips for Mentoring Women to Succeed Professionally

AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., serves as an adoption agency, providing children with a loving home. The organization also supports birth mothers by giving them the compassion and guidance they need during this difficult period. Under the leadership of its executive director, AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., mentors many of these women about their career options.

Having a career empowers women both psychologically and financially. In recent years, women have greater representation in the work force, despite issues concerning pay equity. To ensure that they receive equal opportunities and compensation, here are two basic tips for mentoring women about career options:

Emphasize education and training - Skills and knowledge are valued in any career. As such, women are advised to obtain the highest academic degree possible. Skills learned through training programs also give these women an edge over other candidates. The goal is to develop skills applicable to many different fields.

Focus on communication and interpersonal skills - The recent shift in management methods gives women an advantage, since people have become more responsive to “feminine attributes” that help them to build relationships. Women naturally have strong interpersonal skills, which employers now find advantageous in the workplace.

By highlighting these factors, women become more aware of basic skills that can help ensure their professional success.

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