Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Three Tips for GED Test Takers

AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., provides adoption services in the Atlanta area. Founded in 1994, the agency has facilitated thousands of adoptions since its inception. Aside from uniting children with adoptive families, the executive director of AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., also helps mothers realign their future by providing assistance in GED testing.

Adult Americans without a high school degree have the option of getting a GED certificate. Passing the GED or High School Equivalency test grants them further academic and employment opportunities. Here are some tips that can increase an individual’s chances of passing the GED test:

Select a study guide - GED study guides are available in bookstores or libraries. Some common GED study guides are published by McGraw-Hill and Steck-Vaughn, and each study guide features a different approach, covering either a general overview or focusing on specific subjects.

Determine test scope and coverage - Studying effectively means studying relevant subject matter and content. In 2014, the GED Testing Service, the official division of the American Council on Education in charge of GED testing, changed the test into a computer-based assessment with four subject areas: literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Consider online review classes - Online GED review classes can help exam-takers cover all bases through a comprehensive study program. These review classes are meant to supplement an individual’s preparation for the GED test; none of them serves to replace official GED tests.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Embryo Adoption Pathway Toward Parenthood

AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., is a Georgia-based company that offers mothers committed support through the process of giving birth and seeing that their baby is adopted by a caring family whom they personally select. AAA Partners in Adoption, Inc., also works with couples who wish to adopt and offers embryo adoption as a pathway toward starting a loving family. 

Instead of adopting a baby after it emerges from the mother’s womb, this process begins with the actual process of becoming pregnant. It is specifically designed for couples who are unable to conceive, yet with a woman able to carry to pregnancy to term. The process results from in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is a method employed in assisting those who have difficulties conceiving on their own. 

In many cases, there are embryos remaining after the IVF process is successfully completed, and these are frozen. With 600,000 such embryos existing nationwide, these are viable for use by those who are unable to conceive and want families of their own. Those wishing to look further into the process are encouraged to contact The Embryo Adoption Awareness Center at